Davis Rain Gauge Smart Sensor, 0.01˝ Resolution (89402)

Davis Rain Gauge Smart Sensor, 0.01˝ Resolution


  • Stock No.: 89402
    UNSPSC: 46181545

Tipping bucket with magnetic reed switch pivots on metal shaft. UV-stabilized ABS plastic housing. Specifications: Measurement Range: 0 to 4˝ per hour, maximum 4,000 tips per interval. Accuracy: ±4.0%, ±1 rainfall count between 0.01˝ and 2.0˝ per hour; ±5.0%, ±1 rainfall count between 2.0˝ and 4.0˝ per hour. Drift: requires annual field calibration. Length of Smart Sensor Network Cable: 0.5m (1.6´). Dimensions: 9.5˝H x 6.5˝ dia.

Product Notes:
  • English Scales.
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